by John | Jun 28, 2023 | Faith |
Introduction I once had a professor who proudly proclaimed that his life was perfect, except for all the other people. This is a sentiment that is widely shared today. “If everyone else was just like me or if I were alone, everything would be...
by John | Jun 21, 2023 | Daily Devotional, Faith |
Introduction We all know that reading the bible is important. But sometimes we feel like we just can’t get to it. Like there are big barriers holding us back. Busyness and even fear. Why should we read the Bible? And is anything holding you back from...
by John | May 24, 2023 | Faith, Daily Devotional |
Introduction Everything in life jumps up and presents itself as a priority. But we can’t focus on everything. Without discerning where our focus should be, our focus becomes so fragmented between everything, that we can’t find the motivation to do...
by John | May 10, 2023 | Daily Devotional |
Introduction We are emotional people. Everything we do is supported by the sub-structure of our emotions. If we are motivated and excited, for example, there seems to be no limit to what we can accomplish. But then sometimes our emotions stops us dead in our...
by John | Apr 19, 2023 | Battlefield of the Mind, Faith |
Introduction Life is filled with suffering and challenge. We become overwhelmed and burdened by it. Then, we turn to God and start following in His footsteps. We expect everything to get easier, but usually the opposite happens. Is this normal? Why and how...
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