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Walk With Your Confidence In God

Walk With Your Confidence In God

We read hundreds of stories about God’s people. Men and women of God who goes boldly. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. But that’s not the way we feel in our daily lives. More often today we slink around shy and afraid. We want to apologize for God more than we are empowered by Him. How have we lost the authority God has given us? How do we go boldly and claim ground for the kingdom of God? How do we increase our confidence in God?

When you fail

When You Fail

In life, you will fail. You will be faced with insurmountable obstacles. You will be tempted by sin and let your focus drift away from God. But when we fail, what should our response be? Learn how to turn to God, even when you are face down on the floor.

Don't Let Others Discourage You Featured Image

Don’t Let Others Discourage You

Your life is not your own. Even when people have the best intentions, they tend to discourage you. I’m sure you felt incredibly motivated to do or achieve something, only to have that motivation stolen by some offhanded comment. I’m even sure you minimized your own success by comparing it to other peoples’ success. And when you solve those issues, we tend to hold grudges against people. “Of course, I forgive them as a Christian, but some things can’t be forgotten.” (The great divorce, CS Lewis). This unforgiveness festers in our hearts, corrupts our humility and leads, ultimately, to more discouragement in the task we were called for. We were called for others after all.

But if that is the case, then how can we stop being discouraged by them? We can break the chains the enemy tries to tie around us and embrace God’s freedom. Freedom from the opinions of others. Freedom from comparison. And freedom from unforgiveness.

Finding God In The Moment

Finding God In The Moment

Worry, anxiety and all the emotions that the enemy tempts us with, all have one goal in mind. To take us out of the moment. If you think about all the thoughts that consistently comes up and steals your focus and motivation, you will realize that they always try to pull you into worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. The present moment is where we find God. Learn how to take control of the moment, to be fully present. Then you will make a habit of meeting with God.

Fear Of Death

When Faced With The Fear Of Death

Fear of death can build up in our minds and make us completely hopeless.  What should the Christian response be?  Should we submit and act out of fear, like everyone else?  Or do we have a higher calling?

The Problem With Other People

The Problem With Other People

I once had a professor who proudly proclaimed that his life was perfect, except for all the other people.  This is a sentiment that is widely shared today.  “If everyone else was just like me or if I were alone, everything would be perfect.”  Is this the right approach to the question of other people for Christians?  Why are other people so annoying and difficult to live with?  And what’s to be done about it?

What’s Holding You Back From Reading The Bible?

We all know that reading the bible is important.  But sometimes we feel like we just can’t get to it.  Like there are big barriers holding us back.  Busyness and even fear.  Why should we read the Bible?  And is anything holding you back from doing it?

Undivided Focus

Undivided Focus

Everything in life jumps up and presents itself as a priority.  But we can’t focus on everything.  Without discerning where our focus should be, our focus becomes so fragmented between everything, that we can’t find the motivation to do anything.  After deciding on a focus, how do we then know we didn’t make a mistake.  What if we focus on the wrong things?  What should our focus be on?  Let’s look to God.

When You’re Unmotivated

We are emotional people.  Everything we do is supported our emotions.  But what should you do when you’re unmotivated? When your emotions are holding you back.

Face The Challenge

Life is filled with suffering and challenge.  We become overwhelmed and burdened by it.  Then, we turn to God and start following in His footsteps.  We expect everything to get easier, but usually the opposite happens.  Is this normal?  Why and how do we face challenges and how do we overcome it?  Let see what the bible says.

When Your Life Feels Meaningless

When you face suffering, you fall into despair, or worse, believe that your life is meaningless. Is this what God wants for you?

How to make anxiety bearable

How To Make Anxiety Bearable

Anxiety. One of the most common ailments of our time. We are weighed down by the noose of shame and worry. Imagine if you could make anxiety bearable. That is what God offers us.

Step out in faith

Stepping Out In Faith

We are called to an amazing future and to become who God wants us to be. But how do we take that first step with confidence and Faith?

Faithfulness in the small things, leads to big results

The Slow Journey To Following God

We are impatient. We follow God and we get frustrated that we don’t see immediate results. How do we achieve God’s goals if the pace is so slow?

I’m Not Good Enough

I’m not good enough. I know that this is the pre-recorded message that plays in your mind every day.  You can’t help it, these thoughts permeate your very spirit and sink their claws into you.  You cannot get rid of them, they always return.

My confidence is in God

Confidence in God

What steals your confidence in God? How do we guard our confidence, so that we can step into the future God has planned for us?

What Is The Aim Of Your Life?

The Aim of Your Life

Are you unfocused, unmotivated, or lost in life? Aim high and then, even when you miss, you course will be heavenward.

How To Listen For God's Voice

Listening for God’s Voice [A Beginners Guide to Prayer]

How do you pray?  A seemingly simple question, although a question that is difficult to answer. Let me teach you how to slow down and build your relationship with God.  To quiet the droning buzz of the busy world and set your eyes on the skies.  How to daily reorient yourself with God’s purpose for your life.

Welcome to The Faith Offensive

Welcome to the faith offensive