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We are called to an amazing future.  To reach for heaven and become the person God created us to be.  To attain our highest potential.  To fail and stumble, but to get back up.  We even have to act in unwavering dedication.  How is this possible?  We can only follow God’s will with courage to step out in Faith.  But how do we do that?


“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)


Faith In The Drought


Abraham was called into a great adventure.  To leave his familiar homeland and travel boldly into the unknown.  Moreover, he was called to an impossibly great future, at the age of 99.  So that he may be the father to many nations.  He went willingly and he did not see the fruits of his labor for a whole year.  How did he keep going and not turn back? Because God called him to “walk before me faithfully” (Genesis 17:1).


Walk before God.  This is not the way we want it to work.  If God could give us fruitfulness and miracles in the moment, we would be more than happy to follow Him.  But, more often we need to act, to go and God follows and blesses us afterwards.


In 2 Kings 3, three Israelite kings came together to face the mounting threat of the Moabites’ revolt.  They gathered their armies and marched to face the Moabites.  After a seven-day march, they had no more water.  So, they called for a prophet, thinking they have doomed themselves in the coming fight.  But even though there was not a single cloud in the sky, Elisha sent them to dig holes, so that God could fill them with water.  They needed to go before God.  Make space for God to act into their lives.  They dug the holes first and God rewarded their faithfulness with a flood.


We sometimes get overwhelmed by our heavenly calling.  We look to the coming war or the lack of rain and think we need to make the rain come.  We need to do the impossible.  That’s not true, we just need to dig a hole, and God will send the rain.  Even when we don’t see a single, solitary cloud.  Faithfulness means stepping out before God and grabbing a shovel.  Faithfulness is making room for God to act in your life before you see the fruits of your labor.


We are called to step out in Faith, and God will follow.  Even before we see God’s hand at work.  If we have the courage to do the small actions faithfully, God will take care of the impossible.  So, how do we act?


Inaction vs Faith


People think that the one thing they want in life is happiness.  This is not true.  People want to learn, grow and become better versions of themselves.  People want challenge and to overcome obstacles.  In short, people want an adventure.  Moreover, happiness is an impossible target.  Like trying to catch a shadow.  But if you chase an adventure, you will need to win a lot of small steps.  You will need to overcome challenges.  And then you will grow in faithfulness and become bigger than before.  The bigger you become, the bigger your shadow becomes too.


Face the challenge, risk failure and defeat.  Step into the unknown.  That’s scary!  Better to stay in the familiar.  Better to limit ourselves and say on dry land.  But, if you limit yourself and stay in the small familiar world around you, you will start to shrink away into nothing.


“Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus”

Matthew 14: 25 – 29 (NIV)


Step out of the boat and walk towards God.  How do we know we are walking in the right direction?  Is it not better to stay in the boat until we are absolutely sure what direction our first step should be in?  In Joshua 3, the Israelites needed to step into the Jordan river, before the water would recede and show them the earth beneath them.  They needed to take the first step, before God would show them the way.


The power of faith means we act willingly, eagerly before we can see the way.  We step into the unknown water and God will part the river for us.


“In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Proverbs 16: 9 (NIV)


So be brave, be faithful.  Step into the murky water, and God will Give you a solid place to stand.  Follow God’s call to adventure, like Abraham did.  And the journey will bring you closer to God.  The journey is how we are changed by God.


“Go,” the LORD said to me, “and lead the people on their way, so that they may enter and possess the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.”

Deuteronomy 10:11 (NIV)


Conclusion (Faith Tested)


“But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14: 30 – 31 (NIV)


When we enter into the unknown, chaotic waters.  The Tohu wa-bohu as described in Genesis.  We will fall and stumble. But the chaotic waters is what God makes the world out off.  All life springs from the unknown chaos.  So, build your faith in the obstacles. Be better than before and learn where you fell.  The next time you step out into the chaos, you will be stronger.  Take the step with faithfulness, and God will give you a firm place to stand.  Take the step and God will lead your feet.

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Hi I'm John, a twenty something pastor dedicated to learning Theology and teaching it to everyone. That's why I'm here. Lets stick together, grow closer to God and escape the ordinary!

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